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Big Reuse Curbside Composting Outreach Connects with 60,000 New Yorkers! - Big Reuse

Big Reuse Curbside Composting Outreach Connects with 60,000 New Yorkers!

Curbside Composting Outreach!

Big Reuse's Curbside Composting Outreach team ended one year of outreach on a high note of weekend activity with two compost giveaways, six tabling events, and one kitchen container distribution.

In the past year - in a non-stop effort to promote DSNY's curbside composting program - Big Reuse Outreach staff effort included:

  • Speaking with nearly 60,000 New Yorkers about Curbside Composting
  • Visiting or calling over 11,000 NYC homes in NYC to educate residents
  • Tabling, coordinating and providing information at almost 900 events
  • Delivering over 5,000 kitchen containers to residents of high-rise buildings
  • Giving away over 7,000 bags of compost.

In an effort to promote curbside composting - our efforts spanned from lawn & leaf bag distribution, Street Tree Care events, 40-lb compost giveaways, flyering and recruiting find new partners, volunteers and community groups to encourage participation and increase sign-ups.

Help us spread the work on Curbside Composting - volunteer for residential canvassing to help your neighborhood get composting.

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