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Generous donation from Mill and other donors keeps open one of 3 Big Reuse composting sites! - Big Reuse

Generous donation from Mill and other donors keeps open one of 3 Big Reuse composting sites!

We are thrilled to announce that Mill and other philanthropic partners have donated $116,000 each ($350,000 total) in emergency ‘stop-gap’ funding to help maintain a portion of community composting operations at Lower East Side Ecology Center, Earth Matter NY and Big Reuse! 

Funding will allow us to keep operating 20% of our operations - most importantly it will allow us to continue our Queensboro Bridge compost site and to distribute the compost we make for greening projects.  We will work with community groups to source food scraps and with Parks to compost their leaf and yard waste.

Unfortunately - Big Reuse still has to close 50 Food Scrap Drop Offs, shutdown our composting site at Gowanus Salt Lot, and greatly reduce compost operations at Red Hook Farms. We are laying off our entire curbside collection outreach team and 7 of 10 community composting staff. 

Mill will donate an additional $100 for every Mill kitchen bin ordered with promo code MillxNYC through June 2024. Thank you Mill for your support while the city has eliminated our funding with a months notice! 

NYC Council Speaker Adams, Sanitation Chair Nurse, and Finance Chair Brannan expressed support for private funding and emphasized city funding for community composting. We will keep working to restore City funding to bring back staff, reopen community composting sites, support community garden composting, and provide outreach for curbside collection. 

EPA just launched a new page highlighting the benefits of community composting! Check it out.

Thank you again to everyone who has been standing with us in the fight to save community composting. It has been so moving for us as we face the impending lay-offs. You all give us the energy to keep fighting for environmental justice in NYC! 

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