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Fund Environmental Work in NYC Neighborhoods!

Vote to fund your favorite projects in your district! - Big Reuse

Vote to fund your favorite projects in your district!

Between now and Sunday (4/2) you have the chance to vote on your district's budget! Every year in NYC, the city sets aside a portion of the budget that council members can use for participatory budgeting. The public is welcome to pitch ideas for projects in their district and residents are invited to vote on what they would like to see happen. 

If you live in District 39 where Big Reuse is located we would love for your to vote for our projects! We are grateful to council member Shahana Hanif for including our two pitches:
  • Repair Café: Learn how to repair everyday objects like furniture, appliances, and clothes in order to prevent waste at a public six-month long series of workshops at Big Reuse.
  • Compost Education for Students: Teach students in science programs, special education, and the garden club about composting with hands-on STEM activities relating to soil and water.

Even if you live outside our district, many other districts have amazing environmental projects and educational initiatives. You can check out your districts' projects at the link below.

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