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Celebrate the Inflation Reduction Act! - Big Reuse

Celebrate the Inflation Reduction Act!

Happy one year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act! This week marks a year since President Biden signed the IRA into law, intiating the most aggressive climate action the federal government has taken thus far. 

In conjunction with the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act, the IRA has already led to significant climate investment in the state of New York including $11.7 billion invested in clean energy infrastructure and the creation of 4,300 clean energy jobs.

The IRA is also creating money-saving opportunities for consumers through tax credits and discounts for individuals who invest in green alternatives! Check out the New York League of Conservation Voters’ consumer guide to how you can save money if you choose to weatherize your home, upgrade to a new heat pump, buy an electric car, install solar panels, or buy energy efficient appliances.

Of course this is just the beginning of the action necessary to prevent global climate catastrophe, but it is cause for celebration and a motivator to keep moving forward! 

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