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NYC Climate Week is September 17-24! - Big Reuse

NYC Climate Week is September 17-24!

New York's Climate Week 2023 is coming up next month and now is a great time to plan ways to get involved! This year NYC Climate Week is September 17-24. 

What is climate week? It's the largest annual climate event of its kind! More than 400 events and activities will be held throughout the city to bring together business leaders, scientists, policymakers, activists, and stakeholders for seven days of panels, plenaries, conferences, happy hours, and parties.

Here are some ideas for what to do at Climate Week next month:

Join the March to End Fossil Fuels! The United Nations is calling on world leaders to take real steps to lead us off fossil fuels to protect people and the planet. On September 20 in New York, the UN Climate Ambition Summit will gather world leaders to commit to phasing out fossil fuels. ​Before the summit, thousands of people will be in the streets on September 17 to demand action to end fossil fuels.

The UN's Sustainable Development Goal Summit will also be convening September 18-19 in New York. They will be marking a shift into accelerated action to meet the 2030 SDG goals, which include significant international climate change targets. 

Later that week, you could join journalists and speakers from the New York Times at their NYT Climate Forward event. At the Times Center on September 21 they'll have a day of live journalism, exploring where the solutions to the climate crisis stand today and what might come next. 

Also on September 21 is the Brooklyn Sustainable Building Resource Fair! From 4-7pm in Borough Hall, join Council Member Lincoln Restler, Borough President Antonio Reynoso and other community partners to learn about retrofits and upgrades that will make buildings greener and compliant with Local Law 97. Building owners and managers can learn about heat pumps, solar, weatherization, HVAC, lighting, electric, renewable energy, and waste management, as well as financial incentives, including IRA tax incentives, and financing to help do the work. Register Now.

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