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Exciting News: Curbside Composting Rolling Out Citywide! - Big Reuse

Exciting News: Curbside Composting Rolling Out Citywide!

The Curbside Composting program, which is the Department of Sanitation’s weekly collection service for food scraps, food-soiled paper products, and yard waste, is set to roll out citywide by the end of 2024. This is a free city service, similar to trash and recycling collection. DSNY will provide the weekly collection, bin decal, and education materials for your building—all that’s needed from you or your building is to set the bin out at the curb once a week! Participating in this program helps keep neighborhoods clean and cuts down on any rat activity, as compost bins with their secure lids are more resilient against pests than trash bags. Learn more about the program at

Curbside Composting start dates by borough!

  • Queens: March 27, 2023
  • Brooklyn: October 2, 2023
  • The Bronx/Staten Island: March 25, 2024
  • Manhattan: October 7, 2024

How to participate in Curbside Composting: 

Step 1: Use a brown bin or your own bin less than 55 gallons with a secure lid; order a free decal to place on your own bin at

Step 2: Line your bin with a clear plastic bag, brown paper bag, BPI certified compostable bag, or leave it unlined. Entirely up to you! 

Step 3: Collect your food scraps and yard waste and place them into your bin(s). 

Step 4: Set your bin(s) out on the curb after 6 PM the night before your collection day, which will likely be the same day as your recycling day (this is the case for Queens!)

While you wait for Curbside Composting in your area: find a local food scrap drop off site at, or check out the NYC Smart Composting bin program by downloading the NYC Smart Compost app for free for Android and iOS.

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