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Introducing NYC Community Compost Network - Big Reuse

Introducing NYC Community Compost Network

Big Reuse is proud to be part of NYC Community Compost Network, formerly known as NYC Compost Project, a group of local organizations and grassroots groups that contribute to the city's community composting landscape, many of which are currently funded by City Council through June 2025. We represent and serve communities from all five boroughs and create opportunities for New Yorkers to learn about and get hands-on experience with composting—leading the way to a healthier, more resilient, zero-waste vision for the city.

Please check out our network's new website at to learn more about our work, goals, shared history, and more. 


Can you take 1 minute to send your Council Member a letter in support of community composting? NYC Community Compost Network is incredibly grateful that City Council saw how important community composting is for our city's environmental resilience and prioritized it in their 2025 fiscal budget (which ends June 30, 2025). We hope to ensure community composting continues to be a priority, so we'd love your help to make sure our Council Members hear how important it is to our communities and keep the funding in their 2026 fiscal budget (starting July 2025). 

Write your Council Member a letter here.

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