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Fund Environmental Work in NYC Neighborhoods!

Tell the Mayor you want Community Composting and Outreach Restored to the Budget!

On Monday the city council will vote on Mayor Adams' proposed budget. This is their opportunity to reject the funding cuts for community composting and compost outreach!

If the city council votes to reject the budget, this will put pressure on Mayor Adams to reconsider, but he can still choose to pass the budget. This means we have to keep public pressure on the Mayor to restore our funding: call 311 to leave the Mayor a message and send in comments here.

Then, join us on Monday 12/11 at 9AM at City Hall Park to rally to SAVE OUR COMPOST and to restore the funding for libraries, schools, childcare and housing! 

Mayor Adams budget proposal eliminates 100% of funding for community composting and curbside composting outreach in 2024. This will eliminate 115 greens jobs and the support for community composting at 8 organizations - Big Reuse, GrowNYC, LESEC, Earth Matters, Queens Botanical Garden, NY Botanical Garden,  Brooklyn Botanic Garden and Snug Harbor. 

Monday's vote is critical. We need to act now to save the city's community composting jobs and programs. Call the Mayor and tell him to restore community composting and outreach to the budget before it is finalized.

Read the Press Release for #SaveOurCompost
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