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Community Composting funding still eliminated at seven NYC organizations - Big Reuse

Community Composting funding still eliminated at seven NYC organizations

Since GrowNYC has received private funding, the Mayor and DSNY now only need to restore $1.75 million in funding to save these essential programs and 60 jobs at the 7 organizations.

We ask that you please reach out to the Mayor and Commissioner today with this new information and ask DSNY to restore funding for all seven of the Compost Project partners:

  1. Call 311 and ask to leave a message for the Mayor
  2. Send a message to the Mayor online
  3. Send a message to the DSNY commissioner
  4. Share our social media posts
In two weeks, Big Reuse and six other organizations will lose 100% of our compost funding. This includes funding for our 3 local processing sites here in Brooklyn and Queens as well as Compost Project programs that have been educating New Yorkers about compost for the last 30 years. These organizations will be forced to layoff 60 staff and shut down compost processing sites by the end of this December.

The budget cuts will eliminate:
  • Composting and distribution of 1,500 cubic yards of compost to over 325 community groups, parks, 85 street tree care events, and thousands of individuals each year

  • Master Composter activities which engage over 1,000 yearly participants in  food, farming, and composting 

  • Compost outreach and education to over 225,000 New Yorkers annually

  • 6 community composting sites

Thank you in advance for your support and solidarity in advocating for this social, economic and Environmental Justice issue.

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