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Fund Environmental Work in NYC Neighborhoods!

Why is the work our outreach team doing so critical? - Big Reuse

Why is the work our outreach team doing so critical?


  1. Tabling at Community Events: We’re easily accessible! If you’ve passed by or attended any community event in the city such as farmers markets, stoop sales, or open streets, chances are you’ve seen us sitting behind an orange or green tablecloth talking to the public about composting and giving away bags of compost and kitchen scrap containers. Over the past 2+ years, we’ve talked to 166,880 New Yorkers and distributed 28,598 free 1-gallon kitchen containers and 19,688 free leaf bags. 
  2. Canvassing: We come to you! We knock on New Yorkers’ doors and talk directly to folks about curbside composting, demonstrating how to use their bins correctly, what materials can go into them, and when and where they can receive free compost. Over the past 2+ years, our team contacted 83,500+ addresses across Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Manhattan. 
  3. Highrise Outreach and Giveaways: We provide free support to buildings! We set up tables in 9+ unit building’s common spaces to talk directly to residents and their superintendents, making sure they know where their bins are stored and how to collect their food scraps.
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