- You can sign this petition.
- Share our social media posts.
- Call your city council member and call 311 and ask to leave a message for the Mayor. Let them know that the city needs a curbside composting outreach team and community composting programs and that funding should be restored and funding should also be made available for outreach through the $2 million dollar EPA grant DSNY recently received.
- On Saturday, December 2 Queens Botanical Garden will be hosting a VIRTUAL PHONE BANKING VOLUNTEER EVENT. Sign up for a 2-hour slot between the times 9:00am-5:00pm using this link. They will do an orientation at the start of each hour and will provide you with a script and the phone numbers of City Council members. You will receive a zoom link on the morning of the event.
- Attend the second rally on Wednesday December 6 at 12pm at City Hall Park! Five members of city council will be in attendance to support our advocacy!
- Show DSNY that our community needs curbside composting outreach by requesting an educational event with us for your building or organization through DSNY’s online event request form.