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Donate to our Give Big for the Planet fundraiser!

Tell us which NYC street trees to care for! - Big Reuse

Tell us which NYC street trees to care for!

Calling all NYC community groups or residents! We're growing our community street tree care program and want to hear from our community on where this work is most needed! 

We'd like your help in determining neighborhoods with trees in need of care or community groups interested in partnering with us for street tree care events. Take our survey to provide input. 
Big Reuse is funded to partner with community organizations in certain neighborhoods in Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, and the Bronx to host two-hour events where volunteers from your community work with an experienced staff member to remove any trash, aerate the soil, and add a blend of compost and mulch to street tree beds. Big Reuse brings the tools and compost and mulch and provides the education for volunteers! Your group provides volunteers to help with the street tree care! Events are family-friendly! Read more about our street tree care program here.

Please share the survey with other groups and individuals you think would like to contribute. A big thanks to everyone who has already provided input!

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