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Climate Actions to Take this Week! - Big Reuse

Climate Actions to Take this Week!

  • The fossil fuel utility, National Grid, is currently asking New York State to approve rate hikes on customers totaling almost 4 billion dollars to expand their fracked gas infrastructure. If approved, their proposal would raise rates for customers and contribute to furthering climate change! 
    But, there is still time to stop this proposal.  Sane Energy Project has a template for submitting public comments!
  • The EPA is seriously considering reviewing the safety of vinyl chloride, a toxic chemical used to make PVC plastic. This would be the next step toward a ban on this carcinogenic chemical. Beyond Plastics has a template for writing to the EPA to show your support!
  • Help spread the word about the new "Skip the Stuff" law to make sure it is as effective as possible. If you see a restaurant that is not complying with the new law, you can let them know: click here to download the city's educational flier and share with the businesses in your neighborhood!
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