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Fund Environmental Work in NYC Neighborhoods!

Listen to our Executive Director Justin Green on WNYC this morning! - Big Reuse

Listen to our Executive Director Justin Green on WNYC this morning!

From WNYC's Morning Edition:

"Mayor Eric Adams has proposed significant budget cuts across city services like schools, policing and sanitation. These reductions could spell the end for many community composting programs in New York City, even as the practice grows in prevalence across the five boroughs.

Justin Green is the Executive Director of Big Reuse, an environmental nonprofit and one of eight organizations whose community composting, education, and outreach teams have been eliminated. Councilmember Sandy Nurse represents New York City's 37th council district in Brooklyn.

They joined WNYC's Morning Edition host Michael Hill to talk about the value of community composting, and how budget cuts could transform how these organizations serve New Yorkers."

Listen to the interview here!

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