NYC Mayor Adams announced citywide budget cuts yesterday. DSNY proposed cutting 100% of funding for community composting projects and compost outreach at Big Reuse and 9 other organizations as part of their cuts.
This would be devastating for us.
Big Reuse relies on this funding to run our community composting sites, curbside composting outreach, and food scrap drop offs. If the funding is not restored - 9 outreach and 10 community composting Big Reuse staff will lose their jobs. We may not be able to continue to operate our composting sites and to provide free compost to over 400 NYC parks, community gardens and street tree care events. Just as curbside collection is launching, we will have to end our outreach efforts that connect with over 100,000 New Yorkers to educate about composting through canvassing days, events, food scrap drop offs, and volunteering.
The proposed cuts still need to go through City Council approval by the end of November, so we have some time to make our voices heard and oppose these budget cuts.
In total, the proposed budget will cut 115 community compost staff at 9 organizations including Big Reuse, GrowNYC, Lower East Side Ecology Center, the botanical gardens, and Earth Matter. The 30-year-old Compost Project including the Master Composter program would also be eliminated.
Help support Big Reuse, community composting and outreach in NYC!
1) Please sign the petition to tell Mayor Adams and DSNY Commissioner Tisch to save the community composting and outreach.
2) Donate to Big Reuse's year end fundraising campaign. Donate here to support our programs in the wake of these budget cuts.
3) Consider asking your friends, families, neighbors to sign the petition and donate to support Big Reuse as well. Repost the message on social media.
Thank you for your support!