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Fund Environmental Work in NYC Neighborhoods!

Rally to Restore Community Composting and Outreach to the budget!

Join us tomorrow for the Community Rally to SAVE OUR COMPOST! We will meet at City Hall Park, tomorrow, Thursday November 30 at 12pm!

Mayor Eric Adams has proposed a budget which will eliminate 100% of funding for community composting and curbside composting outreach in 2024. This will terminate 115 greens jobs in NYC and decimate the support for community composting at 8 organizations.  Community composting has broad support with over 32,000 letters submitted. Supporting community organizations to make compost from our food waste to improve NYC soils just makes sense.

We need to act now or risk the destruction of the city's community composting infrastructure.  We need your voice! Join us tomorrow and call on the Mayor, DSNY Commissioner, and city council to restore community composting and outreach to the budget before it is finalized. 

During this in-person rally, we'll unite to raise awareness, share stories, and advocate for funding. Bring your friends, family, and co-workers! All are welcome. Together we can achieve environmental justice for all New Yorkers!
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