We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thank you for supporting Big Reuse! Everyone at Big Reuse wants to thank you - our community supporters - for everything you do with Big Reuse.
Whether you've donated your gently used coat that you hadn't worn in 3 years, shopped at the reuse center for that special find, volunteered with street tree care or composting, talked with us about curbside collection, brought us your food scraps, used our compost to green your community or just kept up with what we're doing - we want to thank you!
You keep Big Reuse going in our work to help reduce waste and fight climate change.
Thank you for helping us to push back against the attempts to cut 100% of the budget for community composting and outreach. You can sign the petition/letter here - we are at over 22,000 response in 5 days. If you have done that already - call 311 and let them know that you want community composting restored.
Our Executive Director Justin Green appeared on WNYC this morning with Council Member and Chair of Sanitation Committee Sandy Nurse to talk about why funding community composting and outreach is essential.
Check out our video made by our Reuse Center team! We are grateful to be doing this work at such a critical moment for the environment.
Help us care for NYC's trees and soil, compost the city's organic waste, and keep usable material out of the landfill. Thank you again for being a part of our community!