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This summer has been too hot! Actions to take now! - Big Reuse

This summer has been too hot! Actions to take now!

Last month was the hottest June in the modern history of our planet. In the first week of July we set another record: July 3-5 were the hottest days in Earth’s recent history. Scientists believe this is likely just the beginning of a multiyear, record-breaking heat surge resulting from the combination of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and a coinciding El Niño weather pattern. NYC has its own special heat distinction: researchers at Climate Central have concluded that New York has the most extreme urban heat island effects of any major US city. They found that the built surfaces of our city (the asphalt, concrete, steel buildings, etc) contribute to making NYC 9.5 degrees hotter.

The planet is warming fast. Is there any good news?

Yes–there are governments, organizations, and leaders who are making the seminal shifts needed to change course on global warming. Plus: there are many opportunities to take immediate action! 

Earlier this month, Vice President Kamala Harris announced a $20 billion loan program for clean energy projects in underserved neighborhoods.

The Beacon Wind Project, which would bring renewable off-shore wind energy to New York City, is in the public comment stage of its development! And you can help by commenting in support here and following 350 Brooklyn for more local NYC actions!  

Last year, after receiving public comments and pressure from organizers like the American Sustainable Business Network, the EPA strengthened its proposed standards for reducing methane emissions and pollution. The ASBN is again calling for public comments in support of the EPA’s proposal for carbon pollution standards that will protect public health and support the transition to clean energy. More about what you can do here!

A personal step individuals can take (that's also good for your health) is to eat less red meat, or eliminate it from your diet entirely! It may seem like a small thing but 40 percent of greenhouse gases come from agriculture, deforestation and land-use conversions. A shift in consumer demand for beef and meat has the potential to significantly impact methane gas emissions.  

And of course, you can get involved locally in the fight for clean energy policies with groups like Sierra Club NYC, Climate Families NYCSane Energy Project and WE ACT for Environmental Justice

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